

A thin database-like wrapper over window.localStorage.

You create a table (or tables) to store many similar rows in, & localtable handles all the usual CRUD/database-style operations.


import { LocalTable } from "localtable";

const records = new LocalTable(
    window.localStorage, // ...or 'window.sessionStorage', or any other 'Storage'-like object.
    "records", // The name of the table.
        fields: [
            { name: "firstName", type: "str" },
            { name: "lastName", type: "str" },
            { name: "createdAt", type: "timestamp" },
            { name: "loginCount", type: "int", default: 0, required: false },

console.log(`Initial count: ${records.count()}`);

    1, // An ID, which can be any unique JSON-serializable identifier
        firstName: "Daniel",
        lastName: "Lindsley",
        createdAt: Date.now(),
records.insert(2, {
    firstName: "Jane",
    lastName: "Doe",
    createdAt: Date.now(),

console.log(`New count: ${records.count()}`);

// Pull specific rows by ID.
let dl = records.get(1);

console.log(`Hello, ${dl.firstName}!`);

// Update information.
records.update(2, {
    firstName: "Jenn",
    loginCount: 3,

// Grab all the rows in the table & iterate.
for(const record of records.all()) {
    console.log(`Saw #${record.id}: ${record.firstName} - ${record.loginCount}`);

// Or filter down to specific data.
const filtered = records.filter({
    createdAt: {">=": Date.parse("2021-11-24")},
    loginCount: {"<": "2"},
console.log(filtered.length); // 1
console.log(filtered[0].firstName); // "Daniel"
console.log(filtered[0].loginCount); // 0

// Delete a single row.

// Or drop the whole table.


const table = new LocalTable(store, tableName, options) - Creates a new LocalTable.

table.create() - Sets up the table in the storage.

table.drop() - Deletes the table from storage.

table.get(id) - Fetches a row from the table by ID.

table.insert(id, data) - Inserts a new row into the table.

table.update(id, data) - Updates (or inserts) a row in the table.

table.delete(id) - Deletes a row from the table.

table.exists(id) - Checks if a row is present in the table. Returns true or false.

table.count() - Returns a count of the number of records in the table.

table.all() - Returns all records in the table.

table.filter(filterDataOrFunc) - Returns a filtered set of data from the table. If a plain object is provided, an AND-style filtering of the data is performed. If a function is provided, it should take a single data parameter & should return true/false if the row should be included in the output.


npm test
